Highland Games!!!
Maggie and I were bored, but as it is summer in Milwaukee now, we have all sorts of festivals. So what did we do today? We went to the annual Highland Games (aka Scottish Fest)!!! People in kilts abounded!! Bagpipes were everywhere. There was even an invasion of border collies!! All and all, a good time was had by all.
Unless I'm mistaken, this is called the caper toss. Basically, these gigantic men (the Scottish are a stout people) pick up telephone poles and throw them as far as they can. It's really rather scary to watch.
This was part of the sheep herding demonstration. They had three or four border collies putting on a demo. The best dog even managed to split the sheep into two groups and keep control of both of them. It was pretty cool.
No, I'm not dumb enough to try it, but there was Haggis available. Unfortunately, I know how they make it.
Here's Maggie at the sheep herding demo. As you may notice, she's not wearing any sleeves! Summer is here! If you look closely, you can even see a shadow....caused by the SUN!!!!
I can only assume that this was a reenactment of a scene from Braveheart. I've never seen the movie myself, but I hear good things. Although the guy in the blue kilt was rockin' the face paint, the guy in black was a pro.
Yay for Scottish fest!! I went to the ScottishFest here last month with my friend Michele. It was lots of fun. It looks like the same festival, must be traveling around.
It's the CaBer toss, not the caper toss. Glad to hear y'all are doing well! I just got back from visiting Greg in CO today, and I am ready to come see y'all in Milwaukee. Woot!
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