July 06, 2005

My First "Life Update"

You would think that after changing the title of my blog to include "Life Updates" that I would actually have a few life updates. Well...i haven't. My bad on that, really. I don't find my life incredibly interesting outside of what I post for the blog-viewing public. So, in short, I'm gonna go ahead and tell everyone what's up in my life, but this may be the last time for a long time b/c, let's be honest, we read to be entertained. If my blog is not entertaining, and life updates rarely are, then people will stop reading my blog, and that makes me sad. Plus, facebook now eliminates the need for blog-styled life updates.

So before I begin I have two things to comment on. First, on the business end, I have now updated my blog to allow readers to post comments. I have no one to blame except myself for this tragic oversight. Commenting is like voting. I realize you were all disenfranchised by my blog. I sincerely apologize and hope that you will all exercise your newfound rights. Secondly, I was bored at work (surprise surprise) and was reading collegehumor.com. One of the links at the bottom was to some kid's xanga post about his 2 hour experience with CutCo. I encourage you all to go read it, because I think it sucks compared to my little adventures. And yet, many people have commented on how "awesome" this guy is. I think he's retarded and writes like a high school freshman...but what do I know. Go to the site and read it yourself, read mine, and then compare. I feel ripped off, like that time in high school when Mackey-style invented Kiwi years before SNL even thought about it. But I digress...this is a life update, not a rant, right? Then on we go...

So I'm still working as a runner for an ad agency. It's kinda fun when I do stuff, but most of the time I sit around and do nothing. Decent money, though, so I certainly don't complain. As of now, I'm still going to Marquette, but there's a decent to good chance of my ending up at Notre Dame still. It's been an adventure with the whole wait-list thing at ND. First I get a letter saying you're on the wait-list, but we don't rank the wait-list. Then I get another letter saying "we ranked the wait-list and you're in group one." Now yesterday I got another letter saying, "Well, we think we might perhaps be able to maybe with a little luck let in most of the people in group one...possibly...but don't hold your breath." Why do they do this to us? I mean, seriously...i get it...I'm gonna be lucky if I get in....long story short, Notre Dame's a tease. We'll see if it comes through.

So in that vein, I have a delimma as to what to do if I do get into ND. It is a top-twenty law school, has Division-I football (and basketball), and it's NOTRE DAME...prestigue factor. It's also much more expensive and does not come with a scholarship. On the other hand, Marquette is a good school with the program I want (Sports Law). So in the long run, which helps me more--having the program or the name recognition of Notre Dame? Well as of now, as Cy says, "It's a mute point." So I'm interested to hear what people think, but honestly, I want to know more about the comparision of summer job stories. Call it pride, if you want, but I prefer to think of it as having very high standards for the style of blogging that I call my own.

So that's pretty much the update. Nothing else huge is going down except Mike left town. Now it's me, Bcobb, and Mags. It's kinda sad, really. The JVC crew is next and then it's my turn. I guess I'm ready for it. Only time will tell. Peace out.


Blogger Maggie said...

Well, I read that guy's and it's ok. It's got a couple funny parts, I gotta say, but in general, too many raucnhy jokes and some bad spelling. What really gets me is the comments from other people on the site. They're hailing this kid like some sort of Blogging Messiah. They must be starved for humor.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Caitlin said...

Finally, you let us comment! I've been waiting for this power! Anyway, the whole ND-Marquette dilemma sounds like a tough one. I'm sure you'll make the right choice (it sounds like that might be Marquette, but I can't vote against ND either, even though you'll be in debt for the rest of your life--I mean, you'll probably get football tickets. and isn't that worth a million dollars in tuition and the lack of the program you want?) Plus, I don't want to hear you whining about Mike leaving you. You still have Mags and Brian, and even Dan and Katie if you felt so inclined. Who do I have? NO ONE. I think I'm having badger withdrawals.

10:55 AM  
Blogger Caitlin said...

ok, I read the cutco thing. I wasn't that impressed, and I was really surprised by some of the comments he got. It really wasn't that funny. Maybe the people who read his blog are high or something.

11:07 AM  
Blogger Jacqueline said...

I was confused about what your friend, Cy, meant by a "mute point" - I'm assuming that you meant a "moot" point, meaning that it's disputable. A mute point, on the other hand, means a silent point - which you have proven false due to your blogging about the dillemma at hand. Not to be a crazed editor...but, really...it's what I do best sometimes.

12:14 AM  

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