November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007! What, What!!

Here are some pictures from Maggie and I's first Thanksgiving! We began the day by watching the Macy's Parade for a bit, but the commentators were really annoying, so we switched the the more regional McDonald's Chicago-land Thanksgiving Day Parade. We saw the Azalea Trailmaids...and some other stuff. Well, are the pics!

Maggie's first turkey! Isn't that bird beautifully basted?

I was in charge of lifting the bird.

Here it is, in all of its golden gobbler glory.

Yes, Maggie made the pie, but guess who was in charge of making the design!!

There it is folks. The spread. That's corn, potatoes, gravy, sweet potato casserole, rolls, turkey, stuffing, and pies. Needless to say, there are some leftovers (but isn't that what Thanksgiving is all about?).

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!!

November 18, 2007

Holiday (aka Christmas) Parade!!

So, me and Maggie braved sub-freezing temperatures and rain yesterday to go to the Milwaukee Holiday (Christmas) Parade!! It was like Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, only smaller and with no turkey to look forward to afterwards. Here are some pics!!!

This is what they do in Milwaukee to celebrate Christmas. They all get together and ride Harleys...

... and walk their dogs ...

... and eat jelly beans...giant jelly beans...