February 06, 2003

The question i pose tonight is a very simple one, and yet not as simple as it seems. What are two things in the world that remain constant in every facet of life? The answer to this, as i implied, is a simple one--the beginning and the end. All things must start and all things must end. There is only one problem with this question as it stands--the phrase "in the world." We, as human beings, are aware of our birth, as it is necessary for our existance, and also understand we are destined for death. Only one entity is not--God. There is no beginning and no end to God, as he is the external Creator. This is all well known.

I move now into questioning the "beginning" of time, as that is the only proper place to start. And it is this question of "time" that will drive this discussion. Before God made the Earth and human beings, God created angels. These angels were powerful, and were given free-will. Free-will is the ability to make the pivotal decisions that shape the future. One angel, Lucifer, decided to use his free-will to turn from God. He then tempts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, who in turn use their free-will to disobey God, and human kind is tainted by original sin forevermore. One, with at least some knowledge of God, must ask the question,"Why?"

God is omnipotent and omniscient. What also must be understood is that he is outside of time. Every second of every existance on Earth is simply the present to God. He is the past, present, and future. With this in mind, God must have known how "creation" would unfold. He knew before he created Lucifer, Adam, and Eve, what role they would play in the fate of mankind. He knew that the perfect relationship He desired with man would be lost. Why then, did he create Lucifer, or even mankind? It seems ridiculous to create a people for the sole purpose of worshiping God, already knowing that they would turn. And yet, He did. Why then?

Once again, we find ourselves back at free-will. Free-will--the same tool used by Lucifer, Adam, and Eve to create Evil--is now a chance to start over. When the Lord created existance in all its glory, he was already aware that Evil would exist. And yet, here we are. He knew we would be tempted, He knew we would fall, but He also knew we could use our free-will to start over. Each day we begin, we know we may fall. We know Evil exists and that we will be tempted. However, the Lord intends for his followers to one day be worshipping Him in Heaven. The goal is not unattainable, it is difficult. And hence, i have arrived at my point. The Lord did not create the world only knowing Evil was inevitable and that we would fall. No, he created the world knowing that free-will will lead His chosen people to salvation.

I move now to the "end." In this, I am of course referring to the end of time, the calling of God's Church to Himself. When this is done, only those chosen by God will be saved. What it takes to be "saved" can generate quite a discussion, but I choose not to delve into this this evening. Rather, I intend to question when the Lord will return. As everyone knows, we "know not the day, nor the hour." I am not questioning that aspect of "when." I am more questioning the "why" of "when."

What could call for the Lord's return? It has been said to me in the past that if everyone in the world, or even a large portion of them, were to join hands and say a prayer, such as the Our Father, then the world would end. I have always wondered, what is the basis for this? Supposedly, the people of the world, in order to join together and say such a prayer with meaning, must all be followers of, or at the very least, believers in, God. If this much of His creation were his followers, then it would seem that the Church would be ripe for harvesting, so to speak. This made sense to me at the time, and, in a sad way, illustrated how unlikely this event was to ever occur. But more importantly, it led me to another question. Can the world end with so much sin present? The answer to this is clearly "Yes" as the world can end whenever God intends for it to. But the real question is, "Can a Loving God end the world, knowing so much of his creation is not destined to be with Him?" Would it not make more sense to come at a time when the greatest number of His people had joined His flock? As he is outside of time, God already knows when this moment is. However, we do not. So in short, we do not know when the world will end, but the time may already have been determined.

This brings my theological discussion to a close for the evening. I doubt much of it raised any questions within your own mind, as at least part of it was simply a rehash of Catholic theology. However, it was something I needed to put onto paper, to reaffirm my own faith. Goodnight.

February 02, 2003

Hey everybody....i'm back. Mainly i'm just bored, and if that's not a reason to write, then what is. I was thinking earlier, did you ever have one of those cool ideas when you were a kid, like maybe for a story or something that just never happened....i mean, maybe it is "physically impossible" or would "defy the laws of nature"...but that's no reason to give up.

I once started writing a detective/mystery story when i was about 12....it didnt have much for "plot" or "characters", but it had promise. The basic idea out of this was an invention....the Solar Band-Aid....if you use it, it fixes the hole in the ozone layer. Granted i didnt really develop how it would do such a thing, but the fact remains, it worked. If only i could harness this technology somehow...i'd be a millionaire.

Another genius idea i had when i was growing up was based on the dream of every child in the world...to be invisible. We had just finished 7th grade science on light and were talking about those crazy fun words "opaque" and "transparent." Now, here i committed one of the most common 7th grade fallacies...i assumed that combining words actually can create a new object with the best properties of both. I think you can see where this is going...my "trans-opaque" material allows you to see out, and no one to see in. Well, now that i'm in college, i can't even begin to start on how many ways this was wrong. And so i'm not going to.

Ok, i'm off to a family reunion. It'll be funtastic. Later.
Hey people....this is my first post...yay!!! This is gonna be a crazy mix of what i think about late at night, or what's going on with stuff and people....so who really knows. It oughta be a crazy fun time.

I just got done having a conversation with one of my friends about "my sanity" and what exactly that is. many people claim that i dont actually have it. They are mostly right. So what if i enjoy fingerpainting, coloring books, and dragons...does that make me insane?...well not if we were to follow a technical definition of the word, but by most standards it'd make me different....i decided i didnt wanna finish that sentence or spell that last word correctly, so instead i'm gonna talk about dragons.

Who doesnt like dragons? I mean, really...other than the whole "fire-breathing" and "man-eating" thing, they dont seem all that bad. Have you ever seen "Pete's Dragon"?....now he was cool....how he got in that light house, though, is beyond me. People get mad at dragons cuz they tend to set knights on fire, but in reality, who really likes those knights?...i mean you've got the whole inbreding thing...i think the world's really better off. The true question on this topic is who would win a fight between the dragon that fought Harry Potter and the giant dog/dragon from "The Neverending Story"...i'd pay good money to see that.

That's all for tonight, people. Later.