Patterns in My Life...
Before I begin this post, it seems only fair that I mention both Auburn and dragons. With that out of the way, I can now begin to discuss my real purpose for being here today--boredom.
That's right. I am really really bored. This appears to be happening with some frequency lately, as indicated by my previous three posts. I am at work right now and have absolutely nothing to do. So far today, I have read 75 pages of a book, played online poker for an hour and a half, read, read, read Yahoo News, signed a promissary note electronically, and played on facebook. I also took an hour lunch...Lord knows I needed the break.
So while playing on facebook, I decided to write on someone's wall. Then I thought it would be cool to see just how many walls I could write on today. I got to three. Then I got bored again. I have a question for all my people out there reading this. Is my attention span really that short? I mean, come on. Three? Where's the initiative? Where's the motivation and persistence? I swear I did use to (colloquialism alert) have it. Well I assured myself that this was not a trend in my life. I'm no quitter (see three blogs prior). But then something caught my eye(s). The dates of my blog postings are listed here. When I first started writing, I wrote 5 in the first month, 2 in the second, then 1 in the third, and 1 in the fourth. I then took two months off and had 2 posts within three days of each other. I had one four months later. Then I had three, six months later, within 11 days of each other. Nearly a year later, I have 5 within a month and a half. My question to you dear readers is not "How short is my attention span?" but rather, "Do I have one?"
Now give this some serious thought, for my sake. My battles with SOS and Sports ADD are well documented. I've had to eliminate screen savers that have the ball that bounces everywhere. I lost days of my lives. I wasn't eating. I wasn't sleeping. We all know that reflective silverware or big earrings are too much for my mind to comprehend. If you throw a ball I would rather die than let it hit the ground. In light of these facts and everything you know about me, I encourage you to let me know if you think I even have an attention span, and if so, how long you think it is. I anxiously await your responses--at least for the next few seconds.
That's right. I am really really bored. This appears to be happening with some frequency lately, as indicated by my previous three posts. I am at work right now and have absolutely nothing to do. So far today, I have read 75 pages of a book, played online poker for an hour and a half, read, read, read Yahoo News, signed a promissary note electronically, and played on facebook. I also took an hour lunch...Lord knows I needed the break.
So while playing on facebook, I decided to write on someone's wall. Then I thought it would be cool to see just how many walls I could write on today. I got to three. Then I got bored again. I have a question for all my people out there reading this. Is my attention span really that short? I mean, come on. Three? Where's the initiative? Where's the motivation and persistence? I swear I did use to (colloquialism alert) have it. Well I assured myself that this was not a trend in my life. I'm no quitter (see three blogs prior). But then something caught my eye(s). The dates of my blog postings are listed here. When I first started writing, I wrote 5 in the first month, 2 in the second, then 1 in the third, and 1 in the fourth. I then took two months off and had 2 posts within three days of each other. I had one four months later. Then I had three, six months later, within 11 days of each other. Nearly a year later, I have 5 within a month and a half. My question to you dear readers is not "How short is my attention span?" but rather, "Do I have one?"
Now give this some serious thought, for my sake. My battles with SOS and Sports ADD are well documented. I've had to eliminate screen savers that have the ball that bounces everywhere. I lost days of my lives. I wasn't eating. I wasn't sleeping. We all know that reflective silverware or big earrings are too much for my mind to comprehend. If you throw a ball I would rather die than let it hit the ground. In light of these facts and everything you know about me, I encourage you to let me know if you think I even have an attention span, and if so, how long you think it is. I anxiously await your responses--at least for the next few seconds.